Terms of use

ltb.fr is the website of :
L.T.B. – La Thermodynamique de Bretagne
SAS with capital of 314,000 euros – RCS Quimper B – 421 635 699
Rue des Caseyeurs

This site was created by : Armada communication.

It is hosted by Monarobase – Siret : 500 518 543 00029
3 Avenue René Laënnec – 72000 Le Mans

Intellectual property :
The presentation and content of this site together constitute a work protected by current intellectual property laws, of which LTB is the owner. No reproduction and/or representation, in whole or in part, may be made without the prior written consent of LTB.
As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or modification, whether partial or complete, or transfer to another site is prohibited. Reproduction in whole or in part without the prior written consent of LTB is strictly prohibited, with the exception of reproduction for press purposes.

The information given on this site is not contractual. The characteristics of the products and services, although the object of particular attention, are given subject to typing errors or modifications.

Photo credits: iStock – Phovoir – Stockbytes

Contact the company :
For commercial information, please write to info@ltb.fr or contact page