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Le spécialiste de la climatisation
sans unité extérieure

The air conditioning specialist without outdoor unit


Technical room air conditioning

Small tertiary and downtown

Air conditioning without outdoor unit for city centers, shopping malls, retail outlets, ERP, offices…

Low temperature

Air conditioning from +8°C to +21°C


Our ducted IUs are now compatible with AIRZONE kits

Une icône de baromètre dans un cercle avec différentes couleurs représentant la technologie du système divisé.

Extended range

Our air conditioners without outdoor units are available in a wide range of ranges and models. We're here to help you find the right solution for your needs and constraints.

Une icône de poignée de main bleue dans un cercle présentant la technologie du système divisé.


A human-sized company, we're here to listen. We can even, if necessary, adapt our products to your specific needs.

Le drapeau de la France en cercle.

Fast delivery

To ensure fast delivery times, the most commonly sold products are kept in stock. in stock at our plant in France, as well as all the components needed to manufacture and spare parts.

Download our catalog